the teas: korea


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easteas carries two Korean green teas from two seasons.

Sparrow\'s Tongue
Hwage    60 deg OR 90 deg°C    £15.00
A superior Spring green tea, part hand processed. Very delicious for real tea-drinking luxury. May be prepared in two different ways, depending on water temperature, giving two different results.
Certified as traditionally-produced and so grown entirely traditionally without any chemicals and certified organic in Korea and internationally.

Hwage    60/65°C    £7.50
A seldom-seen green tea with a natural toasty sweetness and an earthy, biscuity fragrance. Certified as traditionally-produced and so grown entirely traditionally without any chemicals and certified organic in Korea and internationally. This is a great, though not grand, tea which makes every day special.

Korea    90°C    £0.00
Literally 'red tea', this is a black tea from the early pickings of the entirely traditionally grown Nokcha plants. Soft and malty, without the harsh tannins associated with everyday black teas. Reminiscent of mulberry leaf infusions.


From time to time we carry guest teas of extra-special quality/rarity/seasonality often in 20g packs. Contact us on to be put on our e-mailing list. Note: Tasting notes are based on brewing with London(SE1) tap water. Water from other sources are likely provide different profiles. Some teas respond well to bottled spring waters.

Prices for leaf teas are for 50g unless otherwise indicated.

east teas provides a WORLDWIDE mail order service Please email with your requirements or for advice.

Mail order terms: minimum order of three packs. UK deliveries: Post & packing: £1.50 per pack. Orders of £60 or more: post-free. Overseas deliveries at cost. Payment by cheque in advance please or via bank transfer. Often teas are sent out within a day but please allow 28 days for delivery. Pictures of currently available utensils can be sent on request.

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