Sparrow\'s Tongue Hwage 60 deg OR 90 deg°C £15.00 A superior Spring green tea, part hand processed. Very delicious for real tea-drinking luxury. May be prepared in two different ways, depending on water temperature, giving two different results.
Certified as traditionally-produced and so grown entirely traditionally without any chemicals and certified organic in Korea and internationally.
Nokcha Hwage 60/65°C £7.50 A seldom-seen green tea with a natural toasty sweetness and an earthy, biscuity fragrance. Certified as traditionally-produced and so grown entirely traditionally without any chemicals and certified organic in Korea and internationally. This is a great, though not grand, tea which makes every day special.
Hongcha Korea 90°C £0.00 Literally 'red tea', this is a black tea from the early pickings of the entirely traditionally grown Nokcha plants. Soft and malty, without the harsh tannins associated with everyday black teas. Reminiscent of mulberry leaf infusions.